discipleship ministries

We here at Dove Creek believe in doing church as a community. We understand that the Bible teaches the way Followers of Christ experience spiritual growth is within the context of Christian community. God did not create us to grow spiritually by ourselves. We need each other to grow. In our Discipleship Ministries we are able to be intentional about going deeper with God and others. We want everyone to be liberated from the bondage of sin and oppression, so that we can grow in grace to reflect Christlikeness in the world.  

We have everything from a sunday morning adult bible study, to a weekly men's breakfast, monthly women's creative gatherings, to a weekly saturday morning running group, as well as a monthly after worship fellowship lunch. 

Find out more in each weeks bulletin. 

Youth & Kids

We love kids and we do everything we can to make sure we provide a safe and awesome environment. 

Our Goal is that kids leave children's church being able to say two things, “I had fun and this is what I learned about God!” 

We believe that it is vital that kids participate with adults in worship to help them be connected to the church as a whole, and we don't view children's church as wasted time or babysitting! In fact, we are planning a work and witness trip for entire families to come on together because we believe life change happens inter-generationally. 

Our youth department is part of our district NYI [Nazarene Youth International.] We have district and regional events. Most of our youth are connected in the church and help from the kitchen to the sound booth. We see our young eagles as our next leaders.

Worship Arts

Worship Team

We believe God is the ultimate artist. From the begining his creative passion was brought out through his creation. It is our desire to reflect God's creativity. Through the arts at Dove Creek --music, video, imagery and drama--we believe God's message can shine while he works through our creativity.

Technical Team

The Technical Team is comprised of volunteers, some are experienced while others are not, who assist in the numerous technical positions that make the weekend experiences work.

Interested in volunteering? Connect with us now.

Dove Creek Karatedo

It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of Sensei Nene. We sadly will no longer have this program. Sensei Nene gave many years and helped many young people grow as people. He will be missed, and remembered.